Okay, so there's no way I'm going to be able to respond to all those comments today, but jeez, what a treasure-trove. Thank you all for stopping by and sharing. Over at Rat Sass, Alison Croggon comments, "Some American bloggers sure spend a lot of time talking about talking," but I can only plead in my defense that I learned to have these sorts of conversations from my blogging influences, among them Ms. Croggon herself, who spearheaded discussions about discussion that I treasure, such as this one.
At any rate, I hope you'll read through the comments, particularly the ones from people who are already trying versions of DV's idea. What I get from it all myself is that extreme care and discretion is required in writing about rehearsals, if you do so at all, and probably the best model is one in which the whole production is predicated at the outset on that kind of more extensive journaling, so everybody enters into it voluntarily and fully informed. Generally, though, actors aren't too keen on this sort of thing, and being one myself, I totally hear that. Still, short of blogging about the rehearsal process itself, maybe there are other aspects of the work that can shared as they develop. Devilvet's carrying this idea forward with his supercool graphic novel approach, which you should check out.
Hopefully this conversation will continue at several venues, and in the process sort of morph into the larger conversation that is suggests, one on how theater artists who live far apart can still share elements of their work. Right now, if James plugs Colorful World or Nick plugs Outside Inn, to New Yorkers it seems like an opportunity to see something new and possibly cool, but to readers in other locations who won't get to see it, it just seems like a plug instead of a blog entry, which would be more interesting to them. (Both writers, it should be noted, are using blogging in different ways to share cool stuff about their respective shows; I'm just using them as examples because they have ongoing or forthcoming shows.) So the question becomes, how do we exchange this most local of media in an international venue like the internet? That, with apologies to Alison, seems to me the value of the conversation.
Still, all those comments on my normally dormant blog (my fault, I know) make me giddy. Ordinarily to get that much interest, I have to fight Scott Walters! Although I did mention his name a few times in there. Maybe that's the trick. Maybe you have to say "Scott Walters" in your post somewhere, and people will flock to you.
Lemme try it out: Here's a plug for my next play!
by Mac Rogers
Directed by Mac Rogers
Featuring The Pussycat Dolls, the car from "Knight Rider," and Mac Rogers
Playing Thursdays through Saturdays throughout Maypril at the Winter Garden on Broadway Street
Tickets $10 with a $97 Mac Rogers handling fee
Scott Walters
Now watch the money roll in...
Nice! Scott Walters.
I dont want to give me too big a head...Scott Walters...
Seriously mac, I have been enjoying this quite abit thanks to you and to every one posting so far...I get a little emotional sometimes but I value what you all shared (I'm looked especially at the actors out there in mac's comments)...
I'm learning alot.
Posted by: devilvet | May 14, 2008 at 12:45 AM
"me" "him" head...sorry for the lobster claws typos
Posted by: devilvet | May 14, 2008 at 12:46 AM
If my blog were still open, I'd post a link and send all my jackbooted acolytes to your site. As it is, you're on your own. But I think you're missing something. It isn't just my name -- you have to say, "Scott Walters is an asshole" or "Scott Walters called Don Hall a douchebag" or something that implies kicking and spitting will be in order. If Don isn't available, you can substitute devilvet, but right now Don Hall has the most hits and is the 900-lb gorilla. Me? I'm just the non-Nylachi jester...
Posted by: Scott Walters | May 14, 2008 at 09:08 AM
Dude! The Pussycat Dolls, the car from Knight Rider, AND Mac Rogers?
I'm soooo there!
Here's my $107. Let me in.
Posted by: Andrew Bellware | May 14, 2008 at 09:28 AM
I resent that jackbooted acolyte remark. Having said that, with regards to the post, if I were ever approached by my director and asked to participate in a during-rehearsal marketing thing, I'd definitely do it. I'm all for promoting our shows. But if he just snapped pictures without my permission, I might get a little pissed off.
Bottom line: Ask, and ye shall receive.
Oh, and Scott Walters is an asshole. *hopes for massive comment replies due to key phrase*
Posted by: Director | May 14, 2008 at 09:56 AM
You resent the jackboot comment, Director, but do you REPUDIATE it?
(Hint: the answer is yes, and then we can fight.)
Posted by: Scott Walters | May 14, 2008 at 12:06 PM
I hereby repudiate thy comment! Draw thy sword, fiend!
Posted by: Director | May 15, 2008 at 10:08 AM
That's it! I'm opning up my blog again! Director, you are toast!
Posted by: Scott Walters | May 15, 2008 at 08:10 PM
very useful and interesting your article.
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